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25. 11. 2016 · Aktualizácia: 22. 9. 2023

Thrilled beyond words - implants and capsular contracture removal and reconstruction

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Približná cena: 4.700 €

It was thirty one years ago that I had breast augmentation primarily to balance the size of my breasts. Over the years, problems slowly developed. One of the implants ruptured in a fall, and as I learned following surgery, the other had developed a leak as well. I sought out a consult with Dr. Jozefina Skulavikova. She was exactly what I was hoping to find. She was caring, compassionate and gave me hope. She took a great deal of time with me and I left her office with tears of joy (and hope). What she told me is that I had a severe case of capsular contracture and breast ptosis. The procedure required was to remove the implants and capuslar contractures and try to rebuild breasts out of what tissue remained...., what she called a risky pexy/lift. Of course I was nervous as the big day arrived. Dr. Jo said it was going to be a long one and it was.... over six hours. The entire staff at the hospital were wonderful starting with Dr. Jo. It's been six months since the surgery and on this Thanksgiving Day (in the U.S.) I wanted to write and thank Dr. Jozefina for her surgical skills and the warm attention she gave me through the entire process. I have healed up nicely and am thrilled with the results. I could not recommend someone more highly.


Komentár (1)

Hi Debbie, thank you for your review. It is great to hear that everything is ok now and you are happy. Did your doctor tell you how the capsular contracture happend? Did you get new breast implants?

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Koncom júna som na klinike plastickej chirurgie podstúpila rekoštrukciu prsníka po mastektómii z vlastného materiálu - z brušného laloka. Operácia trvala asi 6 hodín ale výsledok je vďaka MUDr. Palenčárovi a jeho tímu fantastický. Nový prsník...

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