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20. 8. 2022 · Aktualizácia: 9. 10. 2023

Dr Fedeles in eveclinic, Bratislava

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Hodnotenie StonkPu:

Dr Fedeles did an amazing job with my nose, it looks perfect now & despite the removal of a bony hump there's no issues with breathing whatsoever & it's perfectly symmetrical. It took a few months for the swelling to disappear completely & therefore for the final result to show (which is absolutely normal I think!), but i was 100% happy with the change from day one, so don't worry about the convalescence :) Also, the incision was placed very well & the scar is hardly visible, so much that no one even mentioned it in the ~5 years. The education on the procedure was flawless & took place in german. He didn't hesitate to tell me clearly what was possible and - more importantly - which expectations were unrealistic. After the procedure i was given adequate pain medication without having to ask for it. I would fully recommend treatment from dr Fedeles as well as the eveclinic in Bratislava to anyone Check out my "story" for the after picture

Dr Fedeles did an amazing job with my nose, it looks perfect now & despite the removal of a bony hump there's no issues with breathing whatsoever & it's perfectly symmetrical. It took a few months for the swelling to disappear completely & therefore for the final result to show (which is absolutely normal I think!), but i was 100% happy with the change from day one, so don't worry about the convalescence :) Also, the incision was placed very well & the scar is hardly visible, so much that no one even mentioned it in the ~5 years.

The education on the procedure was flawless & took place in german. He didn't hesitate to tell me clearly what was possible and - more importantly - which expectations were unrealistic.

After the procedure i was given adequate pain medication without having to ask for it.

I would fully recommend treatment from dr Fedeles as well as the eveclinic in Bratislava to anyone


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